Zoom Links to Online Events Have Been Emailed!

Hwa Rang Do Global Online University

Cyberdojang - Online Instruction by Grandmaster Taejoon Lee

Kixco Martial Art Supplies

Live By The Sword

Zoom Links to Online Events Have Been Emailed!

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: All Zoom links have been emailed to all reregistered participants for the special seminars with Kuksanim & Dojoonim, as well as to everyone participating in the Awards & Italy 20th Anniversary Celebration.  We do hope that you will be able to attend the events at your local dojang, so that you can train with your peers and fellow classmates.  You branch location should have already provided details of training availability directly with you.  Otherwise, please use the information that was included in the email in order to access the seminar sessions.

While the seminars are limited to registered participants only and there will be a waiting room for the moderator to approve online participants access, the Celebration event and award ceremony is open to everyone.  You are welcome to share the Celebration link only, if you have friends & family that would be interested.  Along with announcements about the tournament winners and the Association’s annual awards, this year is special as it marks the 20th year of Hwa Rang Do in Italy, and there will be a feature presentation commemorating this milestone.

WHRDA Awards & Italy 20th Anniversary Celebration
2021 marks the 20th year Anniversary for Hwa Rang Do® in Italy due to the hard work and dedication of Susuk Sabum Marco Mattiucci. We are truly proud of his efforts as well as all of the instructors who have supported in the growth of Hwa Rang Do throughout Italy.  The schedule will also include Annual Awards and Tournament Winners along with the Italy 20th Year Anniversary Celebration.

NOTE: This event will start 15 minutes earlier than previously planned! It will be held immediately after Dojoonim’s seminar.

EU - 19:15 ~ 20:30
USA Los Angeles – 10:15am ~ 11:30am
USA Midwest – 12:15pm ~ 1:30pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 872 4907 5385
Passcode: 700168



Thank you once again for your support and participation!  Even though we are unable to gather together in one place this year, we are certainly able to gather together in one spirit!  As always, forward march, and I look forward to seeing you soon!

If you experience a technical issue regarding the event, please email help@hwarangdo.org


Master Dylan Sirny

News Release Date: 
Sunday, July 11, 2021 - 5:05am
Hwa Rang Do World Headquarters
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