Budo International

Hwa Rang Do Global Online University

Cyberdojang - Online Instruction by Grandmaster Taejoon Lee

Kixco Martial Art Supplies

Live By The Sword

Magazine Source: 
Release Date: 
June, 2016
Introductory Highlights: 

I have chosen to open a Club in Luxembourg because I believe that Hwa Rang Do® is an added value for the local community and also because I think that the integration of Hwa Rang Do® in to the local identity is a very important thing (we don’t teach just physical techniques).....

Chief Instructor Marco Mattuicci June 2016 Budo International
Magazine Source: 
Release Date: 
April, 2016
Introductory Highlights: 

Hwa Rang Do® Instructor Flavio Sciaccaluga – Luxembourg: interview. Part 1 Flavio Sciaccaluga, Italian, you live in Luxembourg, your wife is from Hungary, you study and teach Hwa Rang Do® (Korean Traditional Martial Art). How do you live this incredible mixture?.....

..........click PDF link below to view full article.

Chief Instructor Marco Mattuicci April 2016 Budo International
Magazine Source: 
Release Date: 
February, 2016
Introductory Highlights: 

.....please see PDF for technique photo series.

Chief Instructor Marco Mattuicci February 2016 Budo International
Magazine Source: 
Release Date: 
February, 2016
Introductory Highlights: 

Italian Article:

Uno del motti del Hwa Rang Do è fare le cose al 100% o, equivalenteme te, “massimizzare il potenziale umano durante l’addestramento”. Si tratta di uno stile di vita, un modo di affrontare le cose che si porta presto dal dojang (palestra) anche nella vita di tutti i giorn i.....

Chief Instructor Marco Mattuicci February 2016 Budo International
Magazine Source: 
Release Date: 
December, 2015
Introductory Highlights: 

.....please see PDF for technique photo series

Chief Instructor Marco Mattuicci December 2015 Budo International
Magazine Source: 
Release Date: 
December, 2015
Introductory Highlights: 

We know that children are our future.

Chief Instructor Marco Mattuicci December 2015 Budo International
Magazine Source: 
Release Date: 
October, 2015
Introductory Highlights: 

Do Sa Nim Tae Joon Lee, Hwa Rang Do® 8th dan (President of the World Hwa Rang Do® Association and my Grand Master) says: “Hwa Rang Do is not about fighting, if you're able to manage your fears you don't need to fight. When you fight, you don't really fight against another person but against your fears. The enemy is inside yourself, not outside.

Grandmaster Taejoon Lee October 2015 Budo International
Magazine Source: 
Release Date: 
July, 2015
Introductory Highlights: 

.....please see PDF for technique series

Chief Instructor Marco Mattuicci July 2015 Budo International
Magazine Source: 
Release Date: 
July, 2015
Introductory Highlights: 

When you study Hwa Rang Do you quickly understand that becoming instructor and teacher, after the black sash (Hwa Rang Do 1st dan), is practically mandatory. This is true because of a structural reason: without teaching Hwa Rang Do you cannot really go on with your personal growth in the martial study.....

Grandmaster Taejoon Lee July 2015 Budo International
Magazine Source: 
Release Date: 
June, 2015
Introductory Highlights: 

See PDF for technique photo series.....

Grandmaster Taejoon Lee June 2015 Budo International