Grandmaster Taejoon Lee

Hwa Rang Do Global Online University

Cyberdojang - Online Instruction by Grandmaster Taejoon Lee

Kixco Martial Art Supplies

Live By The Sword

Magazine Source: 
Release Date: 
November, 2018
Introductory Highlights: 

Part 1 - The Story

Magazine Source: 
Release Date: 
October, 2018
Magazine Source: 
Release Date: 
October, 2018
Introductory Highlights: 

It ended on Saturday night with a WHRDA Awards Banquet and the Black Sash Ceremony.  All the Hwa Rang Do, Tae Soo Do instructors and students have sacrificed much in order to participate and support this incredible experience annually as they understand that true value is not only in the Art, but in developing, cultivating, and enriching the hum

Magazine Source: 
Release Date: 
September, 2018
Magazine Source: 
Release Date: 
August, 2018
Magazine Source: 
Release Date: 
July, 2018
Introductory Highlights: 

Hwa Rang Do since it's conception in 1960 by our Founder, Dr. Joo Bang Lee, it has been one of the most comprehensive martial arts in the World as it was created with the Eastern metaphysics of the Um/Yang Theory..... PDF link below to view full article.

Magazine Source: 
Release Date: 
June, 2018
Magazine Source: 
Release Date: 
June, 2018
Introductory Highlights: 

The foundation and the spirit of martial arts lie in the advent of the sword.  With the coming of the Bronze Age, the world witnessed the power of the sword, which remained the primary weapon for battle for over 3,000 years until the introduction of gunpowder..... PDF link below to view full article.

Magazine Source: 
Release Date: 
May, 2018
Magazine Source: 
Release Date: 
May, 2018
Introductory Highlights: 

As my father had introduced Hwa Rang Do to the United States, I have introduced Hwa Rang Do to Europe, first in the mid 1980s in Germany.  However, my disciple from Italy, Chief Instructor Marco Mattiucci was most successful in Europe with over 15 clubs..... PDF link below to view full article.
